By visiting this website and/or using the information provided on or via this website, you agree to the applicability of this disclaimer.
Although Roozen van Hoppe has compiled the content of this website with the greatest possible care, it cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information provided.
Roozen van Hoppe also cannot guarantee that the website will function without error or interruption. It will make every effort to resolve any malfunctions as soon as possible.
Roozen van Hoppe is not liable for any damage that visitors or third parties suffer as a result of the use of (and the information stated on) this website, nor as a result of unexpected malfunctions in the use of this website.
We respect privacy and are aware that you place your trust in us. We therefore see it as our responsibility to treat and protect your privacy confidentially. Our basic guidelines are simple. This Online Privacy Statement lets you know what information we collect, why we collect information, and the choices available to you. We protect your data as best we can. We do not sell your data to third parties and will not do so in the future.
This Online Privacy Statement applies to the services of Roozen van Hoppe Groep. You should be aware that Roozen van Hoppe Groep is not responsible for the (Online) Privacy Statement of other sites and sources. By using the services of Roozen van Hoppe Groep, you indicate that you accept the privacy policy.
The purpose for which we use your data
We do not collect or use information for purposes other than those described in this Online Privacy Statement, or the agreement(s) you have entered into with the Roozen van Hoppe Groep, unless we have obtained your permission in advance.
Sharing your data with third parties
Your information will not be shared with third parties unless otherwise stated in this Online Privacy Statement, or if this arises from the agreement(s) concluded with you. In some cases the information can be shared internally. Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.
Insight into personal data
We offer all persons from whom we collect data the opportunity to view, change, or delete all personal information that is currently provided to us.
Use of personal data
When you use one of our services, we ask you to provide personal data. This data is used to be able to perform the service or agreement. The data is stored on Roozen van Hoppe Groep’s own secure servers or those of a (reputable) third party. We will not combine this information with any other personal information we have.
Handling your transaction requests
If you request something from us, for example a product or service, certain marketing materials, or that you are contacted, we will use the information you provide to fulfill your request. To make this possible, we may exchange data with others involved in the processing, for example business partners of Roozen van Hoppe Groep, financial institutions, transport and postal companies, or government authorities. In connection with a transaction, we may also contact you for customer satisfaction or market research purposes.
Providing support
We may use your personal data to support the products and services you have purchased from us. For example, we can inform you about the use and/or maintenance of a certain product.
Like the information we collect about you indirectly, the information you provide to us may be used by us for marketing purposes. Before we do that, however, we give you the opportunity to indicate whether your information may be used in this way. You can opt-out of receiving marketing materials from us at any time. To do so, please follow the unsubscribe instructions included in the relevant emails you receive from us or contact us directly.
When you apply for a job at Roozen van Hoppe Groep or when you respond to a vacancy that may or may not be posted on any of our websites, you may provide us with information about yourself, such as your resume. We may use that information within Roozen van Hoppe Groep to process your application or response. Unless you request us not to do so, we may keep the information on file.
When you send e-mail or other messages to us, we may keep those messages. Sometimes we ask you for your personal details that are relevant to the situation in question. This makes it possible to process your questions and answer your requests. The data is stored on Roozen van Hoppe Groep’s own secure servers or those of a (reputable) third party. We will not combine this information with any other personal information we have.
Information Security and Accuracy
We want to protect your personal data and maintain its accuracy. Roozen van Hoppe Groep implements reasonable physical, administrative and technical security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, use and disclosure.
Retention period of your personal data
We keep your registration information for as long or as necessary to provide you services. If you would like to request that we stop using your registration information to provide you services, please contact us. In doing so, we will observe the legal framework of the administrative retention obligation.
Adjust/unsubscribe newsletter service
At the bottom of every mailing you will find the option to change your details or to unsubscribe.
Adjust/unsubscribe communication
If you want to adjust your data or have yourself removed from our files, you can contact us.
This Online Privacy Statement is tailored to the use of and the possibilities offered by the services of Roozen van Hoppe Groep. Any adjustments and/or changes to services may lead to changes to this Online Privacy Statement. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this Online Privacy Statement.
Questions and feedback
We regularly check whether we comply with this Online Privacy Statement. If you have any questions about this Online Privacy Statement, please contact us:
Roozen van Hoppe Group
Wilhelminadijk 7
5089 NT Haghorst
* Roozen van Hoppe Group concerns (not limited to): Roozen van Hoppe Facilitair B.V., Roozen van Hoppe Bouw en Ontwikkeling B.V., Roozen van Hoppe Industrievloeren B.V., Roozen van Hoppe Interieurbouw B.V., Aannemersbedrijf A.M.J. op’t Hoog en Zn B.V., Betoncentrale De Hilver B.V., De Hilver Bouwmaterialenhandel B.V., Truck Safe NL B.V., Excon Betonelements B.V. and Roozen Personnel Services B.V.